Monday, December 5, 2011

Merch Update.

I have already done a Merch Post but after going to my concert, I have a few updates.

I didn't see any gift bags, but I know they did sell a drum head with drumsticks.

I also didn't see the necklace, bag or sweat pants.  I don't know if it's cause they didn't bring it all up to Canada, or if I am just blind...

Also, their Poster was sold out, so if you really want a certain piece of merch, get it at the beginning.

They're also selling Fashionably Late.  

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Trace

I know many of us see openers that we don't know, go to google, and type in their name.  When you type in The Trace, you get nothing to do with the band.  I wanted to give you guys some info, cause after yesterday, I really love them!  They're awesome!

You can go to their website by clicking HERE.

Goo check them out on facebook, twitter and youtube.

At the concert, talk to them.  They love talking with the people outside.  Also, their EP is $5 for 4 songs.  They are such a small band, but so sweet and genuine!  The money will definitely help them, cause as they said to us, while eating ramen noodles, "There's a reason Fueled by Ramen is called that" (even though it isn't their label, they were talking about not making a lot of money).  And honestly, bring a lunch to school instead of buying lunch, and your EP will be paid for.

I said this in my last post, but even if their music sucked, I would have bought their EP, cause they were really sweet guys, and totally not douchebags.

They were by far the best opener and I honestly can't wait for them to come back soon, really soon!

Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

This was the show I went to last night, and let me just tell you, it was CRAZY!

I got to the show around 8:30am.  I had friends a few places in line, so I was running back and forth.  All kinds of girls decided to butt in line, so I went to the FRONT with my friend and stayed there.  Honor Society showed up, and came out.  They hugged EVERY FAN!  Alex got a kick out of my Gayne Wetsky Bracelet.  Andy was telling me that he wanted to go to get coffee, but they have to find a place.  Everyone heard me telling him that there was a Van Houte right around the corner, and I explained how to get there, so almost ALL the fans ran after them.  CREEPY!  I chose to not go because it's a little creepy wanted to get coffee, and having 30 girls running after you.  BUT I did get a picture with Andy :D

Every time they went outside, which seems to be often, they'd always talk to us, probably because we were RIGHT beside the door, legit front.  Alex even tried warming us up by rubbing our arms.  WHAT?!

And can I just say, the Trace is AWESOME!  They came out looking for my friend, while she was gone, so we spoke until I found her again, and they loved her.  But every time they came outside, no matter which one of the 5 of us (we became 5) was there, they's talk to us.  And at one point, they came out with  camera and one of them said "OH CANADA!" so we instinctually sand the next line, and the fans were thinking we were crazy, until they saw a camera and started screaming.

Aaron Camper just walked by, and Sunderland, they'd say stuff, but they'd run down the stairs, belting out songs.  It was quite entertaining.

Doors FINALLY opened at 7 pm, after sitting through rain/snow, and freezing.  I was third in, and ran right to merch, and got A Tale of Risky Business, the first!  AHH!  And Mary took SO long to get my M&G bracelet on, and she knew I had friends in the front, so she gave me a new one and was like "GO!"  My friends were FIRST row, and I had a spot saved, so I was front and centre.  Pretty much, if a band member stepped forward, I had crotch in my face.

Aaron Camper was first on, and he smelt SO GOOD!  I honestly don't know if all the songs were his (he obviously did one cover) but he was the right person to go first.  He really pumped us up and had us all going wild.  And he had an Honor Society T-shirt on (the new one) which gave him extra brownie points.

Sunderland came on, and I didn't really hear their voices, so it was meh.  BUT, they had a ginger, which made it better.

The Trace came on, and they were AMAZING!  I don't think I've every heard a version of Pumped Up Kicks better than theirs.  In all honesty, I would have bought their CD even if they sucked, just cause they were great guys and deserved my $5, but I was excited to get their CD at the end.  And the lead singer, he is a performer.  He knows to sing at you (which happened to me and many other girls), which makes nights.  

Then, of course, Honor Society.  They were INSANE!  They did two songs, and then took a break to talk to the crowd, and when they did, we went WILD!  They wanted to talk, but didn't.  They just stood, there, with big goofy grins excited and happy.

I had Mike IN MY FACE.  At one point, I couldn't clap or I would've hit him.  They were AWESOME!  I don't know what else to say!

Aaron Camper came on for Wherever You Are, which was HOT!  And Mike sang at me for Over You, and really sang with me for See U In The Dark, he sand like almost a full verse messing with me making faces :D

The show ended, and Zach gave me Alex's setlist :D  I was SO EXCITED!

M&G was CRAZY!  They gave hugs, and were awesome, and I had a few words with Jay, while Alex tried to listen HAHA.  I then got the new HS sweater.  It's really comfy :D

I went outside and didn't want to wait for them cause I was feeling so nauseous, so I just hung out with a few people until my dad got there.

In the end, the night was the best night and concert ever!  I can't wait for them to come back, but I don't want them to, cause I don't know how they can top last night!

It wasn't only Honor Society, but my friends.  Thanks to Brittany, SaraH, Matthew, Heather, the two cousin's behind me and the drunk guys (haha NOT) for making it an awesome night!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Advice for Concert Go-ers... Honor Society or not.


Obviously this applies to Honor Society, but it will also work for any other concert you ever go to for the rest of your life.


  • Cry.  It may be flattering for the band, but when you full out bawl, it's ugly and a little weird.
  • Fangirl.  This means freaking out over every little thing.  
  • Act like you are in a relationship with the band or a band member.  It is ok to joke around with your               friends, but do NOT act like you have a little something something with them.  
  • Spend the whole time taking pictures.  It is amazing to just party and not worry about pictures.
  • Start fights.  The worst people are the ones in line or at the concert who pick fights with people.  
  • Be on your phone the whole time.
  • Make signs.  Actually, it's ok to make a sign, but don't put it up during the concert.  You will always be blocking someone.
  • Don't belt out every single song.  I came to see them, not you.

  • Have fun.  Dance, sing, party, whatever.  When you are having fun, trust me, the band notices.  
  • Talk to other fans.  They are there for the same reason that you are, so you already know that you have at least one thing in common.  And who knows, you might make some awesome new friends.
  • Sing along, but only when it is time to sing along.  

Anyways, have fun at any concert you go to, just try to not be obnoxious.